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UPDATE! Should I take the ASVAB?

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

The answer is YES to the above question, if you were curious from my previous post! The ASVAB (as described below) is really a great (FREE) way to learn about yourself. Why not give it a try? AND it is rescheduled (also see below!)

The ASVAB, or the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is a battery administered by the armed services to not only help predict your future academic and occupational success in the military, but it also provides valuable information for civilians to learn about their strengths when considering different careers.

Hershey High School will administer the ASVAB to any interested students on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 3, 2021 from 8:00am - 11:00am at the high school. Students must provide their own transportation to participate, as this is a fully virtual day. Please register at:

To find out more information about the ASVAB, please visit this website:,%2C%20and%20post%2Dsecondary%20students.

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