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Summer Opportunities


I know it is cold outside (and I've heard there may be snow next week! But who really believes that!?), but if you are interested in participating in enrichment opportunities over the summer, now is the time to look and apply!

Have you heard of the website Summer Study in the USA? (Here is the site: .Some of you may already be aware of this resource, but it was just shared with me today. You can put in specific search criteria (or not!) and some great pre-college programs and summer enrichment opportunities come up.

We also have a Summer Enrichment Opportunities page on our website ( that we update as we get information.

Many programs have January-March deadlines for applications, so please do not delay in looking! Whether you are interested in writing, art, STEM or something else, there is a program for you (and some programs are FREE!).

You can visit with many different programs from around country at the virtual programs. Sign-up here:

The fairs are February 3 (7-9pm), February 20 (11am-1pm), March 3 (7-9pm) and April 10 (11am-1pm).

Let me know if you have any questions! Have a great day :)

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